Heinze ArchitekturAWARD 2019: Teilnehmer
BCN Superblock
Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: TU München, Architektur, Annkristin Rohrbach
Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: TU München, Architektur, Annkristin Rohrbach
Basisdaten zum Objekt
Lage des Objektes
Art der Baumaßnahme
Zeichnungen und Unterlagen
Projektbeteiligte Firmen und Personen
Verwendete Produkte
Anzahl der Vollgeschosse
6- bis 10-geschossig
Comparing the Use-Maps we were able to identify 5 big areas regarding their urban Programm. There is a edu- cation-area with two new schools, An industrial „wor- king“ area, a bar and music area with different a varie- ty of pubs to go to, a cul- tural area with a theater and music-shows and also a market-area where people can get fresh food daily.
Our concept was therefor to connect and strengthen these different areas, by one li- near citycenter, that could easily be layed into the streets of Poublenou.
Development Areas
For each area, we found a development site. The- se sites will be developed over time and will be part of the „space-for-all“ con- cept. It will be buildings and landscapes that are ge- nerally open for the public and improve the existing in- frastructure. The areas can also be seen as gamechan- gers, they will attract more people and activate the tape further. Of course we also analyzed the smaller sites inside the blocks and found that there is plenty of not used space, These spaces also don‘t really belong to the inhabitants, s2ince they are halfprivate and therefo- re not really used.
Beschreibung der Besonderheiten
In order to use all the space in Poublenou, we deci- ded to make changes on three different scales. The „L“ being the very basic idea of the city-tape, „M“ beeing the connection and enlogment of the Tape into the cour- tyards of the city and „S“ being the courtyards and in- divual citycenters themself,
Colours and Activities
„ Instead of a traditional City-Center, we are going to create a vibrant Life-line for Poublenou“
Everyone can benefitNot much space needed
People will interfear with the life-line over the day
Breaking the Grid
„ We will open passages through now clo- sed Backyards, enabeling people to embra- ce their Neighbourhood and use lost space“
New found Urbanity
More space for spontaneous meeting
More people will move to Pou- blenou and Densify the Area
Forming a Community
„ With Co-working Spaces Ateliers, Fabrica- tion-Labs, Digital Education ... we will give the local Community the chance to be part of the change “
Local + New Community can
grow together
People will be transformed from
inhabitants to producers , ow-
ners and networkers Poublenou will stay heterogene
and vibrant