Architekturobjekt 206 von 230
Nominiert für die Shortlist der Jury 2012


Nominiert für die Shortlist der Jury 2012

Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

119415 Moscow, Udaltsova str. 2, Russland

Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

View from the side of Leninskiy prospekt - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© photo by Yuri Palmin

View from the side of Leninskiy prospekt - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© photo by Ilya Ivanov

View from the side of Leninskiy prospekt - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© photo by Ilya Ivanov

Fragment of the main façade with bay windows - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

View from Udaltsova street - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Lobby - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Lobby - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Interior detail - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Nadezhda Serebryakova

Lobby - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Lobby - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Lift hall - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Business premises - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Door handle - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Nadezhda Serebryakova

Corridore - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Reception - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Corridore - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Door handle - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Business premises - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Negotiation room - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Door handle - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Nadezhda Serebryakova

Negotiation room - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Office - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Conference hall - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Canteen - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

WC - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Cafeteria - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

VIP-hall - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Cafeteria - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Lobby - Office building on Leninskiy prospekt

© Photo by Zakhar Aborkin

Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

Basisdaten zum Objekt

Lage des Objektes

Udaltsova str. 2, 119415 Moscow, Russland



Art der Baumaßnahme




Projektbeteiligte Firmen und Personen



Pistsovaya 16/2

127287 Moscow



MNR Bau und Bauberatungs GmbH

Zemlyanoy val 25

105064 Moscow



SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16/5

127473 Moscow


Verwendete Produkte

FSB Franz Schneider Brakel

fittings system

Spector LAB


Zumtobel, Sylvania, Xal, Modular, Fagerhult




Anzahl der Vollgeschosse

11- bis 20-geschossig

Raummaße und Flächen


67.638 m³



17.596 m²



3.700 m²



The project was worked out with the account of needs and desires of a concrete customer. Main requirements of the customer include adherence to the building codes, maximum use of facing materials and new technology decisions. Thereby, a special stress was lied on quality and innovation of architectural decisions.
The building located in one of the main Moscow highways does not occupies the whole intended for construction area but, on the contrary, gives its considerable part for beautification. It has modest and at the same time very noble appearance. The volumetric and spatial resolution of the building is determined by its important role in the urban development situation. In calculations of the prospects the building is given a precise and distinctly legible form which provides special expressiveness by original angular solution - wave-like bay windows, stepwise extending to the top. This method gives the building special sculptural, by means of precisely found plastics and depth working equally well on a sunny day and in cloudy weather. Long-distance prospective depends on an enlarged scale of doubled window openings, with decorative stone belts creating a visual effect of distinct division to 6 floors while the building actually has 12 above-ground levels. All the vertical lines, both stone and glass ones, are set at a little angle. As you approach the office center, the facade details come to the fore, complementing and developing the basic wave-like theme. Movement simulation, launched by tiers of bay windows, is extended throughout the facade. Alternating stone piers and vertical window units are rotated about the longitudinal axis, creating a clear undulating rhythm shaded and lit areas on the wall surface. Playing with sunlight is reinforced with horizontal grooves carved in the stone panels that accentuate their massiveness. Over time dust and precipitation will only enhance expressiveness of the stone relief providing the stone facades with a special effect of the patina, typical of the process of the modern architecture noble aging.

Beschreibung der Besonderheiten

Rectangular building was worked out with a maximum effective use of exterior light perimeter: stair-lift junction and sanitary premises are concentrated in the center; office premises are dispersed along the front of glazing. Under the building there is a three-floored garage and an adjoining territory, released from cars, is beautified in accordance to timely tendency in a city landscape design. Corresponding to “green” ideology there was laid out a garden on the roof.

In the exterior and interior were used natural and ecological materials: natural stone – in facing the staircases, the walls in halls (lift hall, lobby) and in double-glazing facade; panels of nontoxic composite material finished by wood veneer; natural wood in floors and doors.

The effective stone-glass dress is simply the upper layer of the double facade. The double-gazing opening inside glasses, which are automatically closed by venetian blinds in the sunny weather are located behind it. The technologies that allow maintaining the optimal temperature and illumination in the premises are used in the building. There are several such technologies and they are effective exactly in combination with each other. First of all it is the use of “cold ceiling” – a system that is usually has little effect in Russian conditions, but in combination with double facade it not only works excellent but also allows adding the building to the amount of power effective buildings. Under a concrete plate of the ceiling there is a spiral tube built through which the cold water goes. Heavy cold air goes down and this leads to soft air circulation inside the building. But as this effect is slow, it is possible only in case when a little part of sun warmth comes into the premises. That is why one more technology – double gazing and automatic sun venetian blinds – is used.The building is oriented to the north by its angle, that is why all four facades are illuminated during different time of the day. Sun sensors are installed by windows. Whet sun is detected by this sensor, venetian blinds automatically go down between two layers of glazing and sunlight does not come inside. Two layers windows not only protect venetian blinds from depreciation but also save from noise, as the noise of minimum 72 decibel comes from Leninsky prospekt, glass screen allow reducing noise entry to 55-60 decibel. Even by western standards this noise level allows to open window for a short time and to ventilate the premise. Ventilation is made in the following way: it is possible to open and close only inner double-glazed windows. And there is a chink at the bottom of external window (that cannot be opened). Through this opening air comes from outside, then it is heated in the space between external and inner windows, then goes up as warm air and through upper chink gets into the premise. Thereby heating becomes less costly because not the external air is heated but the air that is already heated between two windows. Economy of electricity happens also because of the use of the glass with a high level of transparency. That is why it is light anyway even in the cloudy weather. In the buildings with tinted glasses (such glasses are installed more often in the offices) it is necessary to switch on the light and use electricity even during the day time.


House of the year-2011: people’s choice

Honorary diploma of the first National award for the best realized project using glass

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