
Heinze ArchitekturAWARD 2016: Teilnehmer

Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

10247 Berlin, Niederbarnimstraße 4a

Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: Christoph Wagner Architektengesellschaft mbH

Ostfassade - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Eyal Dinar

Südassade - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Martina Lana

Nordfassade - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Eyal Dinar

Westfassade - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Eyal Dinar

Gemeinschaftsraum - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Rettungstreppe - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Kids on Stairs - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Eineinhalbgeschossiger Wohnungsteil - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photographin Maria Großmann

Eineinhalbgeschossiger Wohnungsteil - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photographin Maria Grossmann

Rohbau - Holzständerwände (Aussenwand) fehlen noch - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© CHRISTOPH WAGNER Architekten / Phtograph eric tschernow

Split Level - Kleine Wohnung mit großem Blick - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Eric Tschernow

Rohbelassener Betons - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten / Photograph Eric Tschernow

Schemadarstellung - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Schemadarstellung einzelne Wohnungen - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Schemadarstellung einzelne Wohnungen - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Rettungstreppe - Ausgang im Garten - Our Space - Niederbarnimstraße

© Christoph Wagner Architekten

Diese Objektpräsentation wurde angelegt von: Christoph Wagner Architektengesellschaft mbH

Basisdaten zum Objekt

Lage des Objektes

Niederbarnimstraße 4a, 10247 Berlin, Deutschland



Art der Baumaßnahme




Projektbeteiligte Firmen und Personen


Christoph Wagner Architektengesellschaft mbH

Hasenheide 9

10967 Berlin


Tel. 030 81492974

Fachplanung: Tragwerksplanung

Dierks, Babilon und Voigt

Suarezstraße 54

14057 Berlin


Tel. 030 32 77 07-16

Fachplanung: Gebäudetechnik

Ingenieurbüro Dinziol

Lychener Straße 41

10437 Berlin


Tel. +49 (0)30-43 73 36 98

Projektsteuerung, Objektüberwachung

Christoph Günther Architekt

Bergmannstr. 57

10961 Berlin


Tel. +49 30 69815046

Bauleistung: Zimmerei, Ingenieurholzbau

A-Z Holzbau Zimmer GmbH

Brunsbütteler Damm 450

13591 Berlin


Bauleistung: Metall- und Stahlbau

Rudolph Metallbau

Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 7

14542 Werder (Havel)


Tel. 03327 – 573 0 515

Bauleistung: Beton und Stahlbeton

Conex Baugesellschaft mbH

Am Stichkanal 25

14167 Berlin


Tel. Tel. +49 (0)30 89 000 69 - 23

Bauleistung: Verglasung, Fensterbau

TREFZ Fensterbau

Weidäcker 1

71543 Wüstenrot


Tel. 07945 9100-0

Bauleistung: Sanitär

mf Mercedöl GmbH

Holzhauser Str. 16

13509 Berlin


Tel. +49 30 407272-0

Verwendete Produkte



Eichen Langdiele




Anzahl der Vollgeschosse

6- bis 10-geschossig

Raummaße und Flächen


1.300 m²



1.090 m²


Veranschlagte Rohbaukosten des Bauwerks

860.000 Euro



Our spatial and architectural goal by developing the project is best expressed through the title of the project: "Our Space". The name "Our Space" was meant to stress the communal aspect of the common spaces in the house and the garden and became during the process something like a guideline for the architecture. For example: The most appealing space in the house such as the prominent southwest facing little rooftop apartment on the sixth floor was realized not for a private apartment but as a common space (Gemeinschaftsraum) with a grand L-shaped roof-terrace in front. From this terrace a six story staircase attached to the outside of the building links all apartments and leads all the way from the roof terrace to the garden. This stair also functions as second mean of cirulation between the apartments in addition to the main internal staircase of the house. So to visit your neighbour you are provided with more than one option. Not only the kids love this multi-option circulation - it somehow breaks the boundaries of private and communal space. Especially in summertime the whole stair and the adjacing balconies and windows come to life.

The common room on the sixth floor is used for parties and festivities, but more important it additionally serves as a "flexible space" also. A space that can be used without notice from every „user“ of the house to extend its apartment-space temporarily.
We are aware that "flexible space" is a highly discussed subject and generations of architects have and will talk about it. For many reasons it is not easy or almost not possible to build apartments that allow to be extended or shrinked to the immeditate needs of the owners. In order to provide any kind of spatial flexibility one of our ideas was to offer slightly smaller apartments than usual, that actually can temporarily be "extended" by the use of the common room:
... be it the owner that lives on the groundfloor with little sun in wintertime that enjoys sunset in the evening in the common room on the roof level
... be it a musician who leaves the apartment for practicing in the common space.
... be it the mother who has to concentrate on her computer-work and flees into the common space from her kids in the own apartment..
Our Space is the attempt of promoting the use of public / common areas against the sole use of everybodies individual living space. Thus the attempt to extend the somehow „german“ practice and tradition of each individual living in its separated locked away space towards the consolidation of the use of the common spaces the house.

building / construction
As some of the first buildings in Berlin OUR SPACE used wood (Sibiran Larch) for cladding of the facade and also used wood for building the exterior walls of the house – the subconstruction.
Cellar, main interiror staircase, slabs and collumns are out of concrete. But no masonry and no styrofoam material were used. Special fire protection counselling was necesarry in order to accomplish this task since the building code of Berlin does not allow wooden construction and wooden cladding at once for buildings of this size. Therefore we had to prove that using wood in the intented manner would cause no risk – even if the building code says differet. Windows than also were made of wood. The wood on the facade ist not maschined nor sanded – one can feel its pure raw surface. A lot of walls and ceilings were kept in pure concrete and no further treatment was applied.

Beschreibung der Besonderheiten

Alle Wohnungen Split-Level oder Maisonette / Halb-Maisonette.
Alle Wohnungen mit mindestens 2-seitiger Orientierung (über Eck), um den Charakter des freistehenden Solitärs auch innen erlebbar zu machen.
Der Raum / die Terrasse mit dem besten Blick ist der Gemeinschaft vorbehalten.
Dachterrasse und Gemeinschaftsgarten werden über eine außenliegende Rettungstreppe verbunden, die in großer Geste ab dem zweiten Geschoss nach unten vom Gebäude in zwei geraden Läufen abknickt und direkt zum Garten führt und diesen räumlich fasst.


Baugruppe, Freistehend, Holzbau, Rettungstreppe, Holzfassade, Rohbeton, Sichtbeton, Holzständer, innenliegendes Treppenhaus

Energetische Kennwerte


KfW-Effizienzhaus 70

Energetische Kennwerte






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