Kingspan Light + Air GmbH
Kingspan-Str. 2
32107 Bad Salzuflen
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Produktserien Produkte Ausschreibungstexte Architekturobjekte Alle Inhalte anzeigenPassende Suchbegriffe zu Kingspan Light + Air
Dächer Flachdach Dachoberlichter Tageslichtnutzung Lichtkuppeln Belüftung Lüftung Entlüftung Abläufe Lichtkuppel-Aufsetzkränze Dachbelüftung Belichtung - Tageslicht Lichtlenkung Tageslichtlenkung Entwässerung Lichtbandelemente Flachdachbelüftung Lichtbänder Flachdach-Fenster Flachdach-Belichtung Dachbelichtung Kunststoff-Dachoberlichter Antriebe RauchabzugPyramid-shaped skylight dome (three-skinned)
Kingspan Light + Air
Pyramid-shaped skylight dome,
nominal size .../... cm,
number of skylight dome skins: three-skinned
Glazing: opal/clear acrylic glazing (outer and inner skin with side walls sloping at an angle of around 30 degrees) in a thermally separated kerb frame prepared for the mounting of installation units for daily aeration and ventilation.
Product description:
Dimensionally stable kerb frame made from U-PVC with an integrally moulded drip edge to provide increased safety in heavy rain and act as additional edge protection during transport and mounting. The design of the kerb frame and the terminal strip ensures that glazing movements caused by thermal expansion will not result in damage.
It is therefore not permissible to screw through the glazing or the kerb frame.
To reduce the risk of condensate forming on the surface, the skylight dome is designed with thermal separation all the way around. If required, evidence of the thermal separation can be provided by means of construction details or isothermal calculations.
Stainless steel hinges fixed on the kerb frame enable the skylight dome to be mounted on and removed from the skylight base or the safety frame quickly and easily.
Used in combination with an appropriate skylight base and the safety frame, the skylight dome is suitable for installation in roof surfaces according to DIN 18234.
The glazing can be considered a melt-out area according to DIN 18230.
Particularly well suited to the look of buildings with a sophisticated architecture.
Technical specifications:
Ug value of the glazing: ... W/(m² K)
The Uw value as a combination value comprising the skylight dome, skylight base and on-site heat insulation of the roof structure must be determined individually according to DIN EN 1873. Evidence of the total heat transfer coefficient including the skylight base and
any safety frame that may be used can be provided by means of a scientific test report or a calculation based on generally accepted engineering standards, if required.
Incident light area: ... m²
Light transmission: ...%
Total energy transmittance (g value): ... %
Fire behaviour: ... acc. to DIN 4102-1, ... acc. to DIN EN 13501-1
Brand offered:
Kingspan ESSMANN pyramid-shaped skylight dome or equivalent
(deviations in the technical design must be indicated)
Delivery, without unloading or transport onto roof.
Version: April 2013. Subject to technical alterations.
- Menge: ..........
- Einheit: pcs
- EP: ..........
- GP: ..........
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