Akripol, d.o.o.
Prijateljeva cesta 11
8210 Trebnje
Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.

Foto: Akripol, d.o.o.
Fachgruppe, Fachbereich, Gewerk
Hochbau, Dachdeckung, Zimmerei, Holzbau, Fliesen, Platten, Tischlerei, Raumausstattung, Gebäudetechnik, Fassade
Anzahl Mitarbeiter
Über uns
Über unsere Firma
ACRYON 3D is a new generation of acrylic-mineral composites of acrylic resin and mineral fillers.
The advantages of solid surface materials are combined with the flexibility of cast acrylic sheets, offering a unique opportunity for thermoforming. Thus, compared to previously created new options to design unique products now.
ALUX - lightweight
lighting elements Alux lighting elements are light and durable. They offer optimal solutions:
for daylight exposure,
for natural ventilation,
as important fire protection systems,
as protection against external influences: precipitation, noise, dust.
The lighting elements improve living and working spaces as well as public spaces. The use of sustainable energy sources The lighting elements are installed in various objects: residential buildings, public buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings.
AGLAS - Design for durability
The acrylic glass Aglas is a first class polymer material with a remarkable tradition. Compared to the glass, it is lighter and more impact-resistant and therefore has excellent transparency. The look, the colors, the durability and the simple, fast and easy design.
Unsere Philosophie
Through the ongoing education of our employees, the high quality products and the competitive prices, we make contacts with our customers and produce value-added products.
Our philosophy is to do business as follows:
Customer Benefits: our responsiveness, high quality products, and excellent technical support provide a first class service to our customers.
Benefits for Business Owners: Continuous growth ensures business owners continuous return on investment, increased business efficiency, and increased market value for the company.
Benefits for
the broader social environment: Benefits for the social environment
Schwerpunkte im Bereich Neubau
Büro- und Verwaltungsbauten
Städtische Freianlagen
Sport- und Freizeitbauten
Wohnheime, Altersheime, Pflegeheime
Medizinische Bauten und Krankenhäuser
Bildungsbauten und Nebenanlagen
Multifunktions- und Veranstaltungsbauten
Messe- und Ausstellungsbauten
Hotels, Beherbergungsstätten, Restaurants
Shopping Center
Industrie- und Gewerbebauten
Schwerpunkte im Bereich Sanierung
Büro- und Verwaltungsbauten
Sport- und Freizeitbauten
Wohnheime, Altersheime, Pflegeheime
Medizinische Bauten und Krankenhäuser
Bildungsbauten und Nebenanlagen
Multifunktions- und Veranstaltungsbauten
Messe- und Ausstellungsbauten
Hotels, Beherbergungsstätten, Restaurants
Shopping Center
Industrie- und Gewerbebauten