Profil 3.225 von 113.334

Nidus GmbH

Ringelsweide 28

40223 Düsseldorf


Nidus GmbH


Sankt Göres
Sankt Göres
Sankt Göres
Bruno Lambart - Foto: marie kreibich fotografie

Foto: marie kreibich fotografie

Sankt Göres - Foto: marie kreibich fotografie

Foto: marie kreibich fotografie


Fachgruppe, Fachbereich, Gewerk

Architekturbüro oder Planungsbüro, Innenarchitekturbüro, Projektentwickler

Anzahl Mitarbeiter





Bundesstiftung Baukultur

Werkbund NRW

Über uns

Über unsere Firma

The owner-managed company was founded in 2016 and is 100 per cent owned by the founders Ana Vollenbroich and Annelen Schmidt-Vollenbroich. The lawyer and the architect met while studying real estate economics and immediately shared a passion for architecture. Together with their constantly growing team, they develop a diverse range of architectural projects.

Unsere Philosophie

Contemporary living is not a condition, it is a process. As a matter of fact, our buildings must be designed in such a way that they can respond to this process. This is what drives Nidus: to observe, explore and experiment to build the best possible houses for our societies.

Focusing on the transformation of existing buildings, Nidus´ portfolio includes projects from the 1890s through the 1950s and 1970s up to today. Inspired by life and the everyday, Nidus has developed a subtle yet iconic architectural language. A new simplicity, clear structures and high-quality materials create atmospheres of uncompromising quality. Nidus interior objects arise from the own projects: designed as travel companions, they carry on the story of a physical place. 

The most beautiful part of architecture is that it surrounds us everywhere, but even more than that: it provides the stage for life in all its facets. Building Culture means going beyond: with a curated program of exhibitions, lectures and concerts, in summer 2024, Nidus will continue to open its doors for encounters and to experience of the wide spectrum of architecture at the former Otto Church in Dusseldorf.








Design, Produktgestaltung


Schwerpunkte im Bereich Neubau

Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser

Mehrfamilienhäuser, Geschosswohnungsbauten

Schwerpunkte im Bereich Sanierung

Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser

Mehrfamilienhäuser, Geschosswohnungsbauten

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